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LP Discography - Club

LP DISCOGRAPHY - COVERS AND LYRICS (LPD) is a voluntary club for fans of country and pop music, which specializes in 50's to 90's music.

A registered club member has full access to all of the contents that LPD offers (after paying membership fee).

Visitors have access only to Homepage and base discographies.

The content of the website is fully controlled by the LPD administrator.

Fee of LPD Club membership:

  • 30.00 USD (30.00 EUR) per 12 months
  • 20.00 USD (20.00 EUR) per 6 months
  • 10.00 USD (10.00 EUR) per 3 months

Payment of membership fee can be paid by PayPal transfer.

You must be REGISTERED and logged to proceed a PayPal payment with your unique ID.

Payment by PayPal

© 1999-2024, LPD, Prague, Czech Republic, EU, petrv@yahoo.com
Developed by JVG