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Jimmy Dean

Portrait Of Jimmy Dean

(# 144 top pop album)

Columbia CS-8694
Aug / 1962

Produced by Don Law

Cover image of Portrait Of Jimmy Dean

Grady Martin, Hank Garland, Ray Edenton - guitar
Bob Moore, Joe Zinkan, Sam Hollingsworth - bass
Buddy Harman - drums
Floyd Cramer - piano
Bill Pursell - organ
Charlie McCoy, Jimmy Riddle - harmonica
Rufus Long - piccolo
Jun/1962, Bradley Studio, Nashville


Old Pappy's New Banjo

Stuart Hamblen

© Brenner Music, BMI

The funeral was over the folks started home was only a few that were there
A lonely little fella on an ole wagon seat his heartache to heavy to bear
Turned to his father who drove the ole mule his face plainly showed the deep hurt
Why did they put grandpappy in that old wooden box then cover him over with dirt

The man searched for an answer as the ole mule walked along
Through his tears he gazed down the road
As he held the little boy close to his old ragged shirt
And tried awful hard to lighten his load
Why pappy wadn't in that box boy the Lord took him out
He came and got pappy last night while you was asleep
And that ole coffin that's all they buried today boy
That's the truth honey baby don't you weep
You remember how ole pappy always say he think you need a new banjo
Well the Lord knowd that and he come and got pappy
He found him a dreamin' and a rockin' in that ole rockin' chair
And He take him up to heaven and He show him a big beautiful garden
And He say pappy if you work it you not only get a new banjo
But you'll get a new mule a good mule
And a plow that's got a golden plowshare
That's what He say to pappy
Yeah pappy's gone away boy but he's got a new banjo a brand new'en
And he's just sittin' up there a rockin' and a plankin' on them golden stairs
And I'll tell you something else boy
Pappy's got a new mule a good mule this time
And ole pappy's workin' in a big beautiful garden
And he's plowin' with that golden plowshare
That's the truth honey baby that's the truth


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