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Geezinslaw Brothers


(# 29 top country album)

Capitol ST-2885
Feb / 1968

Produced by Kelso Herston, Ken Nelson

Cover image of Chubby

Jun/1966, Columbia Studio, Nashville


If They Could See The Self Come Out In Me

Dallas Frazier

© Blue Crest Music, BMI

I know I should resist it but I cain't
A keep from touchin' somethin' that says don't touch wet paint
A sugarplum had never tempted me
Till a sign told me don't ever pick no plums from this tree

I know they'd come and carry me away
If they heard me say the things I've always wanted to say
Society would lose their sanity
If they could see the self come out in me

Someday I'm gonna smash a TV set
Obsession overrules me cause I ain't done it yet
And then I'll catch a red bird by the leg
I never did like red birds but there's something bout eggs

I know they'd come and carry me away...

I'd love to buy a ten foot gunnysack
Stuff it full of garlic for a good smackin' snack
Leapin' from a bush and screamin' boo
Is one of my most treasured ventures I've yet to do

I know they'd come and carry me away...
Oh I know they'd come and carry me away...


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