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Jeannie C. Riley

Country Girl

(# 25 top country album)

Plantation PLP-8
Apr / 1970

Produced by Shelby Singleton

Cover image of Country Girl

Jerry Kennedy - dobro/guitar
Harold Bradley, Ray Edenton, Chip Young - guitar
Pete Drake - steel
Bob Moore - bass
Buddy Harman, Kenneth Buttrey - drums
Buddy Spicher - fiddle
Hargus Pig Robbins - piano/organ
George Tidwell - trumpet
Nov/1969, Singleton Sound Studio, Nashville


(# 7 country hit)
(# 106 pop hit)

Country Girl

Myra Smith - Margaret Lewis

© Shelby Singleton Music, BMI

New York is a long way from Texas
Vegas is a long way from Abilene
I spend lots of my time flyin' out to LA
And if you've never been there
You don't know how lonesome big towns can be

Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again
To be with my people my man and my kids
To live in a house about a mile down the road from mama
Oh Lord what I'd give to be a country girl again

To go walkin' down a country road at sunset
And see colors you can almost touch right over head
To hear the gentle breeze at peace blowin' at the treetops
No out in the country there is no talk that God is dead

Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again...
Oh what I'd give to be a country girl again


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