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Dinah Shore

I'm Your Girl

RCA Camden CAL-477

Cover image of I'm Your Girl

Conducted by Henri Rene, Vic Schoen


End Of A Love Affair

Edward Redding

© Duchess Music, BMI

So I walk a little too fast
And I drive a little too fast
And I'm reckless it's true but what else can you do
At the End of a love affair

So I talk a little too much
And I laugh a little too much
And my voice is too loud when I'm out in a crowd
So that people are apt to stare

Do they know do they care that it's only
That I'm lonely and low as can be
And the smile on my face isn't really a smile at all

So I smoke a little too much
And I drink a little too much
And the tunes I request are not always the best
But the ones where the trumpets blare

So I go at a maddening pace
And I pretend that it's taking his place
But what else can you do at the end of a love affair


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