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B. J. Thomas


(# 2 top country album)
(# 59 top pop album)

ABC 858
Dec / 1974

Produced by Chips Moman

Cover image of Reunion

Reggie Young, Steve Gibson, Johnny Christopher, Chips Moman - guitar
Pete Drake - steel
Mike Leech - bass
Gene Chrisman - drums
Bobby Emmons, Bobby Woods, Shane Keister - piano/keyboards
Arrangements by Mike Leech
1974, American Studio, Nashville
Engineering: Chips Moman, Harold Lee, Bob Goodman


Sea Of Love

George Khoury - Phillip Baptiste

© Kamar Pub, BMI

Come with me oh my love
To the sea the sea of love
I wanna tell you just how much I love you

Do you remember when we met
That's the day I knew you were my pet
I wanna tell you how much I love you
Come with me to the sea of love

Come with me my love
To the sea the sea of love
I wanna tell you just how much I love you

Do you remember when we met...
Come with me my love...


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