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Lefty Frizzell

The One And Only

Columbia CS-8151
Aug / 1959

Produced by Don Law, Frank Jones

Cover image of The One And Only

Feb/1958, Radio Recorders, Hollywood
Kenny Baker, Neil Levang - guitar
Wayne Burdick - steel
Donald Duffy - bass
Muddy Berry - drums
Edwin Carver - piano
Dec/1958, Bradley Studio, Nashville
Grady Martin, Harold Bradley - guitar
Don Helms - steel
Bob Moore - bass
Buddy Harman - drums
Tommy Jackson - fiddle
Floyd Cramer - piano


Signed Sealed And Delivered

Lloyd Copas - Lois Mann

© Lois Pub, BMI

Signed sealed and delivered a pack that's containing my heart
To open remove the wrapper but please don't tear it apart
You tore up this heart when you left me you left me alone and so blue
I'm sending this special delivery please handle with care it's for you
[ instrumental ]
It's all that I have to offer
But darling you know that it's true
Signed sealed and delivered
The postman will bring it to you

I thought perhaps you would keep it just for a while don't you see
Oh darling please keep it forever without you it's no good to me
Signed sealed and delivered a pack that's containing my heart
I send it to you as a token I'm sorry we're so far apart


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